Trail Mapping is available in multiple Interactive Solutions.
Berlin's open space web site trails mapping features are designed to allow you to track your location. If you have a smart phone with data plan, you can track your location directly using our story map. The new Story Map will allow users with an internet connection access to live, interactive maps. Use current GPS locations, get trail information and even driving directions.
If you're out of the service area or do not have a data plan, you can download the geo-referenced trail map PDF mobile map application, powered by Avenza. "PDF Maps" is a mobile map application that enables you to download maps for offline use on your Apple iOS or Android smartphone/tablet. (Prior map download and GPS capability required).
Interactive PDF Maps-Learn More about Avenza PDF Maps Offline mobile trail maps are available through Avenza.
Download Avenza PDF Maps App (iPhone or Android)
Click on the store button and search for Berlin, Connecticut. (Or trail name if you know it)
Naviagte to the desired trail map, tap the map and install! All maps are free!